Tattoo Aftercare

Things to do Right After Getting Tattooed

-Remove the bandage when you get home, or find a clean place to care for your tattoo.

-Using anti-bacterial soap and warm water, gently wash away any ointment and/or dried blood from the tattoo.

-Then carefully pat dry with a paper towel. Apply a thin laver of ointment.

 It is no longer necessary to bandage the tattoo.

Over the Next Few Days

Be sure to keep your tattoo CLEAN!
Wash your hands before and after touching your tattoo.
It is normal for your tattoo to be sore and develop scabs over areas with the most amount of color saturation.
It is important not to pick or scratch at these areas. Pulling these scabs off prematurely can cause color loss.

Apply a very light coat of ointment
-3 times per day for the first 2-3 days.
-2 times a day for the remainder of the first week.
-1-2 times a day until fully healed.

Things to AVOID!

Swimming and Submersion

Don’t go swimming with a new tattoo, or submerge in water such a baths or hot tubs. Avoid long showers in which the tattoo becomes “mushy”. This will damage the appearance of the healed tattoo.

-Prolonged Pressure

Don’t apply prolonged pressure to the tattooed area, such as sleeping, leaning, or sitting. This can cause seepage, which in turn can adhere to the material in contact. If such a case occurs, wet the material to reactivate the fluids, then gently remove.

Keep belts, socks, bra straps and elastic off of the tattoo.

-Unsanitary conditions and Trauma

Stay out of gyms and other such places to avoid possible infection. Avoid harsh or traumatic contact to the tattooed area.

-Harsh Sunlight

To keep your tattoo looking great, avoid exposure to harsh sunlight. Sunscreen will keep your colors nice and bright!


The total healing process of the tattoo can vary from as few as 4-5 days for black and gray work or as long as 2-3 weeks for heavy color.
During this period is when you should pay the most attention to the care of your new tattoo.
Think of it as protecting your investment.

If infection or adverse reaction develops contact your personal physician for treatment and
the SNHD special programs office: (702)759-0677
Please consider contacting your artist first for advice as to what is considered an adverse reaction.

If there are any spots that faded after the healing process, let your artist know about it and they can set you up with a touch up session if needed.

Show off your new tattoo!

Not everyone has the courage it takes to go through the tattoo process.

Thank you for trusting Broadside Tattoo.
Swing in whenever you’re in the area and say hello!
We will be here when you’re ready for the next one.